Brand New Drivers:

•Don’t rush into it all too quickly! Work with your instructor to set a solid plan for how and when you’ll be learning things. The instructor will know best here, so let them take the wheel on this one.

•If possible, take time to practice with somebody outside of your lesson times. This can be a good way to recap the knowledge you’ve obtained with your instructor, and stay on top of the study plan.

•Don’t dwell if you make a mistake – this is an important part of the learning process and can be a great learning tool on what not to do.

Just Passed:

• P plates are a great way to safely signify to other drivers that you have only just passed, and may take extra time when at more difficult parts of the road.

• Stay away from the phone when driving! That can be a fatal distraction.

 Pass Plus is a useful way to further grow your skills after passing, and can even save you money on your insurance!

• Most importantly – just don’t take risks! Play it safe for a while after passing your test.

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